Security Dogs



defense and sensitive infrastructure installations (power stations, distilleries, arms factories, nuclear reactors, gas and fuel stores, emergency food stores, warehouses with tanks and armored vehicles, tank transporters and transport units, military bases, police stations, radar installations, antennas and transmitters, broadcast towers, jails, sea and air ports etc.) requiring highly professional and fit peripheral security throughout the day and throughout the year. The guard and watch dogs trained at Bakeman Uri undergo dedicated training according to the installation and the type of protection and warning required. Using sophisticated electronics, the dogs convey real information in real time regarding threats and risks to the installation from foreign parties that infiltrate the protected space. A security force, on foot or on vehicles, immediately arrives at the location of the incident to provide the necessary response. The dog detains the foreign party and even if it is hurt (poison dart, bullet etc.) the incident is immediately reported to the control center.